

749 messages

Membre, Adjoint (SC)

Mercredi 01 Avril 2015 - 11:36 (post édité 2 fois)

Yop yop. Grosse MAJ faite par Valve:



Operation Vanguard has come to a close.


Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool.
Nuke has been moved to the Reserve map pool.


Smoke grenades are now more reliably kept track of on the client to prevent mismatches between smoke particle visuals and screen overlay visuals.
Fixed players being able to double stack inside a smoke to peek out of the top (and be really hard to see from outside the smoke).
Updated expiration of the smoke screen overlay to match more closely to the visuals of when the third person particles expire and vice versa.
Updated the vertical position slightly of the smoke particles to reduce seeing though edges of the smoke (particularly at the bottom).
Fixed spectator sometimes not getting the smoke overlay for the player they are spectating when that alive player is inside smoke.
Improved spawnpoint selection code to not spawn at occupied spawn points or spawn points of a different team.
Tagging values have been tweaked slightly to increase tagging on higher mobility weapons, and updated values for tagging on multiple hits to make it more effective (Added a guide to explain how tagging works:
Increased price of the M4A1-Silencer from 3100 to 3200 to align the weapon’s price with its utility.
Increased Tec-9’s damage fall-off to reward players that close engagement distance.
Lowered Tec-9’s magazine size to 24 to reward more discriminate firing.
Lowered scoped movement values for AWP and Autosnipers.
The accuracy of the MP9, MP7, and Mac-10 have been improved.


Trade up contracts work on StatTrak weapons.
There is now a StatTrak swap tool available for purchase. It swaps the StatTrak value between two of the same weapon.


Fixed the server browser showing the map workshop path in the “Map” column.
Added a sortable column to the server browser to display whether a server is running a map from the workshop or not.
Added a sortable column to the server broswer that displays icons for popular game mods running on that server.
Server browser will save the layout changes made between game sessions.
Updated the first time server browser pop up message.


Fixed scoreboard hiding at match end when you bring up a player’s Steam profile.
Added a game option in team options section to control whether lobbies get created with public access or private requiring invites for friends.
Added Flavor Text to the Bank collection.


Add surround sound support (quad/5.1) on Linux.
Marked nav commands as a cheat to protect against potential server exploits.
Chicken kills are now logged in CS event logs on game servers including attacker and weapon information.
HE grenade detonations are now logged in CS event logs prior to logging player deaths from corresponding HE grenade explosion.
Added sv_reliableavatardata 2 game server setting for LAN tournaments production. In this mode the game server will load player avatars from corresponding csgo/avatars/76512345678-.rgb files (or csgo/avatars/default.rgb if the corresponding SteamID avatar is missing), and avatars will be recorded in GOTV demos. To produce avatars rgb files tournament operators can place 64×64 png player avatars as csgo/avatars/76512345678-.png and run the client-side command cl_avatar_convert_rgb to convert all 64×64 png files into rgb format.
Optimized the process of logging in players to matchmaking backend during game updates.


Opened up skybox around Long A double doors, Catwalk and Short
Improved visibility around blue car in Long A
Fixed render distance on a crate in CT spawn


Opened up skybox around back of apartments
Simplified sides of CT sniper window in mid
Raised cover slightly in upper mid
Fixed visibility through a crate in Bombsite A


Opened up and simplified Bombsite A
Added back stairs to pit near Bombsite A
Opened up semi-open door in bathrooms, fountain side


Smoothed out movement in Bombsite B
Removed corner on left side of T tunnel into Bombsite B
Haystack near Long A now requires a jump to get on top

Train (Thanks c0tton and adreN!)

Various optimizations
Removed collision at top of ladders
Pushed Bombsite A further back towards CT side
Added a third train car to A site to reduce amount of long sightlines
Added a peek-position inside T main
Opened up area on the left side of T main exit
Moved dumpsters in Ivy
Raised crane in Bombsite A
Blocked extremely tight angle from lower CT ramp towards T ramp in Bombsite B
Prioritized CT spawn positions


Fixed an exploit boost at A
Added a decal indicating the boundaries of the A bombsite’s plantzone
Made white tarps on crates more spammable (Thanks Mod645!)
Fixed shadows casting into A main shed from boost spot
Improved readability from middle to A site container


Added back to map rotation"




Si vous voulez les infos et explications en français, cliquez ICI .


Donc beaucoup de modification. Je note surtout un nerf du Tech-9, de l'AWP et que le M4-S a son prix augmenté à 3200€.


N'hésitez pas à donner vos ressentis / impression IG! 


Biz !

Tout a une fin sauf le saucisson qui en a deux


1618 messages

Membre, LAN

Mercredi 01 Avril 2015 - 16:14

Des truc plutot ouf quand meme.


-Correction des one way smoke, merci.

-m4a1 passe de 3100 à 3200. Mouai pas sur que ca suffise pour que les gens passe à la m4a4.

- tec-9. Reduction de 32 à 24 balles maintenant, meilleurs en close range que long range ( toujours aussi fort quand meme )

-Changement sur l'awp, les mouvement sont ralentit quand on est en scope. Certain trouvent ca n'importe quoi, j'ai test, c'est pas ouf comme nerf, chacun sont points de vue suivant sont style à l'awp.

-Precison de la mp9 et mp10 c'est plus fort, ca se sent et la mp7… OP AS FUCK, vraiment, c'est n'imp la, pire que le p90.

- Le tagging change ! Enorme changement. Suivant l'arme de l'attaquant, l'arme de la cible et le nombre de balles infligé dans un court laps de temps un % de reduction de vitesse est appliqué. Le 1tap meurt de plus en plus, le burst et le full sont indispensable maintenant.

- Sur Dust2 long et short, la skybox est revenue comme avant ! On peut flash, smoke entre les 2 ! Enfin, je sais meme pas pourquoi il l'on enlevé.

-Overpass. bpA changé encore une fois.

-train qui change pas mal.



3836 messages

Dirigeant, Membre, Developpeur, LAN

Mercredi 01 Avril 2015 - 16:20

hey tech 9 jveux plus de balle Content.

il n'y a pas de chance que ce soit un poisson d 'avril hein?




749 messages

Membre, Adjoint (SC)

Mercredi 01 Avril 2015 - 16:29

Non wazahhh la MAJ a bien eu lieu Content.


Après t'inquiete pas pour le tech 9, le nerf est très faible (trop??) et est tjs très fort. Tu auras 24 balles pour mettre des têtes, c'est largement suffisant Très content.


Pour les m4 ça va rien changer. Il faudrait un gros nerf (précision ou un >3500$) pour voir le retour du M4A4. Ca va juste rentre l'éco CT encore plus tendu.


Pour l'awp, ça ne me choque pas. Si ça peut éviter que les snipers sautent partout en scopant, pourquoi pas.


Concernant le tagging et et les MPs, j'attend IG pour me faire une idée. 


Tout a une fin sauf le saucisson qui en a deux



6741 messages

Dirigeant, Membre, Chef (CSGO), LAN, Designer

Mercredi 01 Avril 2015 - 21:49

Ouaip grosse MAJ effectivement !


Bon déjà l'opé Vanguard est terminée ca c'est ptet la meilleure nouvelle du post Razz


Non sans déconner la, vu l'ampleur des changements va falloir tester IG, surtout pour les skybox j'pense Content

"Un homme aux idées nouvelles est fou jusqu'à ce que ses idées triomphent" - M. Bielsa




Chaîne YouTube EZ win


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